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Thursday, Aug. 01, 2002 @ 12:55 A.M.

Mmmm... furry...

Another fun day of spending scads of moolah with one of the funnest peoples I know...

I went shopping with Jen again. If I weren't such a lazy procrastinator we would have had more time at the mall. Unfortunately, my body demanded I sleep long enough to make up for not sleeping enough the other nights. Geh... silly body, sleep is for wimps. You can get along with an average of four hours of sleep, can't you? Sure... mothers do it all the time and they never complain. ::Snort:: Riiiiight...

Anyways, went shopping at the wonderful Weisfield's shopping center "Southcenter" Mall or some such nonsense. I can't believe that Sarah Fergusen, Duchess of York is now proud partial owner/sponser of the mall. If I'm mistaken, I apologize... but what am I supposed to think when her face is plastered everywhere?! When did this happen? I really need to go out more often, I think. I'm sure I coulda prevented such a thing from occuring. If only I spent more of my hard-earned money at the mall...

So, this is what I got this time 'round: a robe with monkeys on it and a furry orange throw pillow from Mervyns and three new CDs from Best Buy. I didn't spend too much. Frankly, I'm kinda dreading my CC bill. It's gonna be a bit larger than I'm used to with buying Roach's guitar and all. Oh well... I should have more than enough saved up.

I love my new pillow!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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