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Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 @ 3:27 A.M.


Jeez, what a screwed up sleep pattern I have. I just woke up from a four hour nap. My tummy was hurtin' somethin' awful and I needed to sleep. Now, I'm waaaay awake and chattin' with Geoff at 3:30AM and cooking something to eat. I hope that I don't get woken up at some unGodly time. Then I'll be seriously cranky.

Before I slept, I went to a movie with Jen. We saw Mr. Deeds. I thought it was hilarious. It's so fun to see Adam Sandler beat up people in a funny way. Before the movie, me and Jen hung out in box, bothering the box boys. Sam mentioned it being waaaay too crowded in there, but he was just being a dork. When Moises showed up Ryan said that the fire codes were in non-compliance. That meant we told Moises he had to leave. ::Laughing:: He asked why me and Jen couldn't leave since neither of us were working, but Sam said he liked talking to us better. ::Points and laughs at Moises:: Ha, ha! Before the leaning on the box counter and looking lazy in front of customers, I called people to see if they wanted to work at our theatre. I was able to get a hold of a few peoples, but I was actually glad when I couldn't. Easier for me, I'd say. If they really wanted a job with us, they'd be waiting by the phone, right? Riiiiiiight...

I brought my laptop to work. Randy and Geoff showed up early and I watched Randy restring his guitar and playing The Sims. Randy finally asked for the cheat so that he had more money to play with... cheater. I agreed with Geoff... seeing the Theatre family living in abject poverty was more fun. "Oh, there goes Brent, peein' his pants again! We need more toilets!!" "But we can't afford any more!!!" ::Maniacal laughter::

Somehow I think that we've pissed off Tracey with our friendships that we've created with ourselves within the management staff. It's unfortunate that none of us can stand working with her on a daily basis. Me, I used to be able to, but her attitude towards the employees drags me down. She has the utter disregard for them and their feelings that I cannot believe. I mean, yeah, most of the time, they're totally ninnys on good days, but they have feelings too. And we want them to be at least a tiny bit happy at work so they don't piss off the customers. I hate having to deal with pissed off customers that just dealt with pissy employees. I just can't blame the kids for the way they feel, but they should have enough sense not to push their baggage on the customers who prolly have problems of their own. Aaaaaaarrgh! I'm thinking like a freakin' counselor again!! Someone stop me, please!!!

Oh, Chris called me today... I dunno what to think about that. Maybe I'll just not think about it, shall I? Okay... good. Not thinking about it...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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