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Wednesday, Jul. 17, 2002 @ 1:54 A.M.

Geoff ditched us!

Woke up at 8:30AM, fully intending to be ready to pick up the guys at 10:30AM so we could get to the Issaquah at 11AM. It was not to be. I puttered around, checked the Internet and watched taped cartoons. Baaaaad me! I just can't help myself. It's okay, though. Both Jen and Moises needed to still take showers when they called me at about 11AM. Heh... so I wasn't the only one running late. Megan was the only one who was at the theatre on time. Poor thing... ::Snicker:: Well, sufficed to say, the whole thing was out of kilter. Ryan was never picked up at his house by Geoff. This whole thing was Geoff's idea, for gooshness sakes! Where in Hell was that boy?!! Well, he'll wish he was in Hell by the time me and Jen are through with him!!! He never showed up. We waited, and waited, and waited... no Geoff. We finally leave for the Parkway, sans Geoff, and get there after picking up my Chris at the East Valley. Crazy, huh? That's not even half of it... I get there and go into the auditorium. I can't see hardly anything! I dig around for my flashlight and randomly pick a row to sit in. I realize after a while that... I whisper to Jen, "It would help if I didn't have my sunglasses on." Am I stupid, or am I stupid? No... don't answer that. A little more into the movie, I look around to try to find the rest of our group and see that we were actually sitting next to them! I whisper this to Jen as well and we just crack up. My God! I am the biggest ditz... Perhaps Renee was right... I should bleach my hair blonde, but I hate Asians who do that!!!

I managed to freak out Chris today. He said he stopped counting at three. Hee, hee, hee! Now, what did I do to deserve that comment? ::Angelic Halo:: I honestly... can't... remember... um... Was it my fast paced talking? The fact that I was soooooo very up, without caffine? My driving? What could it be?! I got to finally go over to beloved's new apartment in Auburn. It's pretty nice. It's a two bedroom with a kitchen and washer and dryer. It's just right for two guys. I met his roommate, Dane. I don't know why, but whenever I meet new people, especially guys, I get kinda shy. He's a funny guy! A bit neurotic about his girlfriend and smokes, but other than that, he's a typical 20 year old male. He really is funny. He asked me if I wanted to move in with them. I was absolutely shocked! He said I could help out with the cooking. I laughed and said, "You really don't know me at all, do you?" What a joke, me... cooking... it makes me laugh to think of it. He also almost forgot to take the pizza he was baking out of the oven. I cracked a joke, "You're not domesticated, are you?" And I went shopping with the two of them... it was so interesting to see. Mostly alchohol and pizza and other snack foods. There's no way I could live with them... I'd starve to death! ::Laughing:: Besides, the moral implications... and me being the prude that I am. No... living with two men is out of the question. Well, maybe... if they were gay...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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