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Saturday, Jul. 13, 2002 @ 2:38 P.M.

Goddess defined: Me!

Okay, now that I'm more awake and full of Choco Brownie Frappacino, I can write a proper entry.

The first thing that I'll mention is that I soooo want a digital camcorder. I borrowed Moises' yesterday for the Croc Hunter promotion and had fun taking pictures of everything and everyone. Hee! The promo was great. Tracey really did a great job of decorating and getting everything ready. I just wish she had cleaned up a bit more in the office. Desiree stopped in for a while but she has to move into her apartment before Sunday, so she prolly won't be in for the rest of the weekend. Can everyone let out a big cheer? I know you can... Not that she so terrible to work with, I just want to be able to do my job without getting yelled at for the littlest things. Irksome, it is. The other thing that gets on my pecs is the fact that Des wants us to have certain positions at work and certain managers ::cough, cough:: ...Geoff... takes it waaaaaaay too far by saying things like, "I'm the usher manager. That matter is clearly for the box manager." Ooooooo... just help out and deal with the problem already! Jeez, what a freakin' pain... The rest of the night was all right, but I was getting kinda steamed about the fact that I couldn't go to Chris' party at his new apartment. Also, I had to move the gosh-darned non-sellables from the top of the stairs to the storeroom. Men are totally inconsiderate and can't be trusted to take responsibility for anything. I swear! I'm always having to clean up after these bastards and I'm getting totally sick of it. Ack! My maternal instincts grow stronger along with my ire. One day, I'll just leave the mess and they can wallow in their own filth for all I care... I just wish some people could clean up after themselves. I practically sliced my finger open on the glass that I had to clean up. Dripping... red... bloody Hell!

This morning I get a frantic call from Jen saying that she can't get a hold of Tracey and she's still at home even though she should have been at work at 10AM and she didn't know what else to do and I was the only one that she had a number for and what was going on?!!!! Fwah? The funny thing is, I was totally going to get up so I could mail off the mail. She just had me up a little earlier that I had planned. Life is strange that way. That's why I usually don't follow plans or follow schedules very well. I fully intend to do something at a certain time, but the sense of urgency isn't there and I don't rush. The surprises in life are what get me going. I mean, beloved called me just as I was on my way to Jen's and he accuses me of being chipper! Well, what can I say? I was woken up and not thinking too much about anything but getting Jen to work. Adrenaline rushes are the best kind of high... I was really impressed that he managed to get to work after his party that lasted until 6AM. Wow! I'd be dead... literally. Oh! I got the mail packages mailed out, by the way... not that you'd care.

Just took the Goddess Quiz on eMode. Here's my results!


Just like the haloed and winged guardians of good, you truly have a heart of gold, sweet Angel. Whenever there's a chance to pitch in, save the day or just make life easier for the people around you, you're the one for the job.

You don't just jump in without planning � you use your angelic head to figure out how to do things right the first time, like only the most dependable goddesses can. Whether brainstorming a new solution to a problem, planning a surprise party for your parents, or lending your friends a wing to cry on, you've got the right instincts, so follow them whenever you can. As natural as it is for you to take care of the people around you, don't forget to treat yourself right, too. The best friendships, and loves, of a lifetime tend to blossom when you become your own guardian angel.

So don't listen to those who say nice girls finish last. People have always seen you as a goddess of thoughtfulness and good intentions, and it hasn't slowed you down a bit. All in all, Angel, you've got it made with your glowing attitude and ability to see from on high. So get out there and change the world!

How true... I am an Angel. My tank top says so. Hee, hee!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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