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Wednesday, Jul. 10, 2002 @ 11:05 P.M.

A hard day of shopping...

Yesterday I hit a hundred entries. That's so awesome... I think. So today, I celebrated by shopping for neat stuff with Jenifer. Yay!

Woke up around 8AM. Hit the snooze on my cell phone four times so by the time I actually got up, it was 8:40AM. I took a quick shower and finished with my laundry from last night. Remembered that I needed to get gas for my car and nearly forgot the Vanilla Coke that I bought to drink on our excursion. Had to call Jen to tell her that I was gonna be late. Surprise, surprise... When I got to her house she presented me with a character stuffie. I love it and I will dub it little Chris and be content when it's with me. Hee, hee, hee!

We went down to Fashion Bug near Southcenter. I bought a lovely black top and black pants that came with a leather belt with tassles. Hey, something new to wear at work! I dunno if it's professional enough, but... whatever. It's kick-ass!! Unfortunately, Jen didn't like anything there so we went to Target. Didn't see anything there we would have liked to buy, except... a Powerpuff Girl water bottles! Me and Jen randomly decided to buy them. They are so cute!!! We filled them with ice and put the Vanilla Coke in them. I didn't notice until later that the brown soda in the purple bottle looked like poop juice. ::Cackles:: Jen thanked me for that image...

We then headed for the real mall. As usual, I parked by Mervyn's. Looked around for some clothes, but nothing caught Jen's eye... until, heh... we saw some fuzzy leopard slippers with purple trimming. They were so wild! She had to have them!! And she bought them, her first purchase of the day!!!

At Payless, I saw some shoes that I wanted, but decided to hide them so I could come back later to buy them. I didn't hide them very well, but I figured it would be fine. We also saw some Powerpuff Girl socks, but they were too small. Aww... Later when we came back, I was afraid that someone had bought the shoes I wanted, but they just put them back properly. Whew! I have new work shoes, now.

Travelled throughout the mall. Went into Lane Bryant, a store I would not normally go into, but they had some nice stuff. They had underwear that looked like eyepatches... y'know, stringy with only enough fabric to cover the bare minimum. Yikes! Jen was able to find some nice tops and skirts for work, but I had to sign up for a store card since she didn't have a credit card or debit card. That girl really needs to build up credit. Oh well... maybe I'll start shopping there more often. They have pretty nice black clothing. It's just soooo expensive. You have no idea how many times I went "Eeeep!" in there. I shouldn't have been even touching those clothes!

Went into a bunch of stores, but only got stuff at two of them. Character Corner(where I bought a whole load of Pucca stuff including a Pucca stuffie that hangs from my back window in my car. Jen bought a bag for her sis and for herself a Badz Maru key chain thing to go around her neck that looks pretty Goth. We're wondering what Des will say to it) and Hot Topic(where I bought a new monkey phone cover, carrier, and keypad for my family phone and a pressie for Moises. I also got a sticker for my car and a Marvin Martian t-shirt for Roach. Jen got a kick-ass bracelet and necklace. She's planning on wearing them to work to freak out Des. Hee!). At some point, we ate at the food court. We ordered stuffed pizza from some Italian-like place. Man! It was nummy!! But as usual, I got really full before finishing it all.

We then went to East Valley to watch "Minority Report" at 3:30PM. Well, actually, we got there a little earlier than that. I was soooooo happy to see my Chris lookin' spiffy in his work clothes. I also was happy that he agreed to fill my and Jen's Powerpuff Girl bottles with their frozen Cherry Coke stuff. Now, that was absolutely nummerific. Yum, yum!!! Soooo good and cold. But I kept having to use the facilities. Jen talked to Audra(an employee at East Valley and fellow otaku) while I was in there. She simply loved my little stuffie that I had hanging from my waist. Whee! I know who she is now... ::Maniacal laughter:: She's not safe from me anymore. The girl was moaning about how she's the only one who knows anything about anime out there. I know my Chris is totally clueless about that stuff and I wondered out loud to Jen HOW I could possibly date him. She laughed and said that it was gonna be a prerequisite for her guy to be an anime lover as well. I mean, what else could they talk about? The first thing to pop into my head was, "Work?!" Aaaaaargh! What's wrong with me? Anyways, "Minority Report" wasn't too bad. Visually stunning, but the plot... eh. I can say I saw it, but I wouldn't want to see it again. After the movie, I got Kyle to show me and Jen around the booth. She had never seen it before and she was amazed at how modern the projectors looked and how big they were. Definitely an eye opener to how old our stuff is.

It was about 6:15PM. We went over to the Great Wall Mall. Went straight to the last little character shop there. I found more Pucca stuff! A Garu stuffie to hang along with my Pucca in the car. Now, they face each other and look like they're kissing everytime they bump into each other. Soooo kawaii!! A little red pillow with Pucca on it and a tiny Pucca stuffie to go with my tiny Garu stuffie I bought earlier at Character Corner. Cuties!!! Pucca stuff is now my favorite obsession at the moment... Then, we went to buy some bubble tea with tapioca balls. More nummy-ness! Jen had never had it before and she loved it! Yay! Another conversion.

Finally, I drove Jenifer home. It was such a great day! I couldn't believe that we had been out for ten hours together. It went by so fast! Prolly 'cuz we had such a good time... or it was spending money. ::Grins::

Went to church at 7:30PM. Played balloon basketball, but me and Bethy totally sucked at it. I spent most of the time squealing in utter horror at the boys playing so rough. We went through three balloons before we called it quits. Learned about Joseph being a basketball player. ::Snickers:: Uh, huh... Church was fun. Bethany kept looking at me weird when I drank my bubble tea. Her and her mother had never seen that kind of drink before. I like freakin' out the church folk.

So, my day has been jam-packed with excitement and decadence. I should be working on the Croc Hunter flyer, especially since Tracey kept calling me about it earlier. ::Shrug:: It'll get done eventually. Bu-wah-ha-ha!!! Right Now: Watching The Slayers: Next DVDs with my computer on my TV. Cool, ne? I think so. Not working on the flyer. Hee...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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