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Sunday, Jun. 16, 2002 @ 5:27 P.M.

Congrats Grads!!

What been going on lately? I wouldn't know, I've been working for the last four days.

Rogee graduated on Tuesday night. Man, that was a while ago, wasn't it? Did I tell you what happened? Well, here I go. At first, Roach wasn't even gonna come to his grad because he had given away his ticket because he thought that I couldn't go because I usually work on Tuesdays nights because of payroll. Well, Rogee managed to finangle back a ticket from his friend and he called Roach numerous amounts of times to tell her but she didn't answer until last minute. I had to go with my parents. Boy! Was I underdressed. I went in my jeans and monkey shirt. Hee! I was pretty loud an obnoxious as well... yelling at my parents about the parking lot and taking up three spaces and storming off to stand in line to get into the gym. Ick! I hated high school and going back was just waaaaaay too disturbing. It was making me nervous having to be with around throngs of freakin' teenagers. I was glad when Roach finally showed up... then the real fun began. She was underdressed too!! Have I ever mentioned that when I'm with my sister my sarcasm and derisiveness goes up tenfold? Well, it does. We were shooting off biting comments about everything! The decor, the teachers, the orchestra, the cops, the speeches... everything. We are soooooooooooo mean. When the diplomas were finally given out, our whole family yelled out for Rogee. The really funny thing is that his WHOLE name was said. I was just laughing and Roach decided to yell, "Go, Fortune Cookie!!" It was so hilarious!!! Now, he's seventeen and a 2002 graduate of Lindbergh High School. Whoo hoo!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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