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Monday, Jun. 10, 2002 @ 10:00 P.M.

Something is wrong...

I'm... sorry. I am so exhausted. I'm very glad that I have the next two days off. I can't control my fine motor functions... meaning my hands are shaking like leaves. I totally need to sleep, but my body is still full of Dr. Pepper and caramel frappacino so I can't sleep. Heeeeeeelp meeeeeeee...

Jen got me a pressie. It's a keychain of Millie from Trigun. It's so cute!

Tomorrow my brother is graduating. My gooshness... he's only 17. How can he be graduating already? I'm gonna get him the Dogma DVD. Unfortunately, I'm worried about Wednesday. I'm not sure what's going on, but my bro wanted to watch it at Chris' house as a pressie from him. ::Sigh:: I dunno...

I think that I'm gonna collapse. My mental health is not up to par. First of all, I worked until 12:30 last night. Then, I had to go to a GM meeting at 9AM. It was hella boring, but I did get to meet the new GM of the East Valley. It was funny... he was just sitting there, not talking to anyone, so I just went up and asked what he thought of the theatre. He's the kind of guy that Roach would be interested in minus the facial hair. First thing I thought was, 'The guy is young...' He seems very nice, though. Also, I was doing interviews today and I kept forgeting my name or their names or what I had already asked them. Not a good thing to present to potential employees. They prolly think that I'm a freakin' drug addict or something. Yeah, like, it's cool... ::Snort::... duuuuude.

After that, Desiree showed up to talk to James. I talked to her for nearly three hours! We talked about the building, the reviews, the HR problems, the schedule... I almost broke down crying when I brought that up. I hate the managers schedule with a passion. I am constantly getting screwed royally. I'm just glad that I haven't broken down yet. A weaker me from before would have screamed and ranted and said, "Fuck it! I don't give a goddamned shit anymore. Leave me alone..." But, I'm stronger than that. I won't let those bastards get me down. If I want to keep my happy personae, so be it.

I'm sooooooooooo ti-red. Once again, I'm sorry and I hope I get back to my normal flaky self soon.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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