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Got Brains?

Friday, May. 23, 2003 @ 4:33 A.M.

Just... stuff that happened.

So, when you've got Vegeta staring at you from the left and the Namek staring at you from the right, it's time to build a Gokou to protect you.

I'm sick, again... I don't know what did me in this time, but I feel absolutely horrible. The throaty voice is not sexy or on purpose, it's 'cuz I'm sick and my tonsils are inflaming themselves into a not very comfortable size.

Just watched Bruce Almighty. I don't care what type of god you believe in, this movie was funny! Jim Carrey is soooooo hilarious. Just watching his face is great. There was a part near the end that made me cry really hard, but it was a good cry for me. It just made me realize that I have been neglecting my spiritual side and I have been such a jerk lately because I really hate myself right now. ::Sigh:: Bitterness is not a good taste... especially if one has a cold. ::Sniff, sniff::

The Pok�mon Movie was pretty good, too. I saw that yesterday before going crazy with the spending of tons of money that I should be saving, but I couldn't help myself since I hadn't gone shopping in a long while for anime or anything at all!! Besides, I needed to have a miniature Veggie-kun glaring at me. He keeps me grounded... yeah, that's it.

Oh, and the Italian Job was a great movie! Man, John Statham was hot and Seth Green was just as cute and funny as ever. Having both of them in one movie just about did me in. Seriously, John is one of my favourite British actors and Seth is my fave 'just around my age' actor. I love them both!

Built the bookcase that I bought at IKEA. Did I mention that I love shopping at IKEA? It has the coolest things there. I just wish it were easier to carry the boxes into the car and the apartment. They are so freakin' heavy!

I've been drinking orange juice like crazy for the past day. Wow, that stuff can kill a person, I think. My stomach is protesting like nobody's business. I should prolly slow it down and sleep so my immune system can work, but I can't sleep for some reason. Ahem...

I wonder if I ever really matter sometimes. Des once told me that when I speak nobody seems to really listen. That pissed me off and now I'm more vocal at work than I've ever been, but I'm just so bitter sounding, even to myself. The problem is, can I go back to being what I was before? I don't think I can. I suppose I could try and hold my tongue like other people who fear repercussions, but would I be true to myself and how soon would I develop an ulcer? What a dilemma...

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Fruits Basket music is so repetative it's making me sleepy...

Give Me A Break! Just me, I'm pathetic.

Piccy of the week: Don't start with me, okay?


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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