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Wednesday, May. 21, 2003 @ 2:46 A.M.

Money, and more spending than I should. ACK!!

Yay me! I finally got my raise. Moises says I should bother the woman for back pay, but I believe that might be pushing it. At the mo' I don't care. I think that I'll get myself a PS2 as celebration. Besides, Moises seems to be draggin' his feet on the situation. I understand that he prolly can't afford to buy such extravagant things, but he should just say so. I have to admit that I'm glad that my tax return finally came in too. Now, I should be able to pay off my credit card. ACK! I just looked up my balance and I'm in trouble. Maybe I should cut up my card... no, that's just crazy.

Vegeta: Onna, you're crazy.

No, I'm insane, but that's different. I just can't use my credit card for a looooong while. I also have to start balancing my checkbook again. I haven't done it for months and now I am seriously in big trouble.

Jen's on the lam. Isn't that funny? She's needing to change her addy on her ID 'cuz, unlike me, she actually is not keeping her 'rent's address. I'm just lazy and don't feel like going through all that. I go visit them often enough to get my mail and stuff anyways.

Brendan called again. He seems to be having problems with his GM and DM. They hate him. I don't know why... it must be because he's a man. I don't hate him. In fact, I miss him a lot. I might even say that I am quite fond of the young man. Wait, he's older than me... waaaaay older than me. Okay, four years isn't much older but I think I'll just call him ol' man from now on. Well, I'm being random, now. I shouldn't be baring my innermost feelings on this even though it's a diary. I don't care, whatever. Ha ha... whatever. Honestly, he needs to tell his boss to kiss his ass and give him the opportunity to advance or get the Hell away from her before he goes postal. Yeah... ::Twitch, twitch::

Well, I should wrap this up... we have a big day planned. Watching the 5th Pok�mon movie and Bend it Like Beckham at the East Valley, going to IKEA, shopping for compy stuff with the bro, going to Target for Doniell's bridal shower gift, going to Best Buy to maybe buy a PS2 for me, and going to the Shower. Wow, that's a lot of stuff to do. Should I sleep? Nap a bit? Take a few winks?

Vegeta: Onna! Just end it all and die!

Oooooo... that's harsh to say to me, Veggie-kun! I should get a little bit of rest, though, or I'll be a right bitch in the morning. Hee, hee...

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Infommercials... they play all night long.

Give Me A Break! Having to make the theatre look good for a 15 minute visit... what a crock.

Piccy of the week: Veggie-kun, he's being quite mean today.


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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