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Mr. Flibble and Rimmer

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Got Brains?

Friday, May. 16, 2003 @ 5:58 P.M.

Ekans... Alucard... does any of it make sense to you?

Dang... it's been a while. I must say though, that cable modem speed is fabulous. I have really missed cable television. So many crappy channels in one place... so little time. I have finally moved my bed and big stuff into the apartment. Yay for big cars and the strength of our backs... well, sort of. I managed to damage myself. I sliced open my pinky on my bed frame and wrenched my right arm in uncomfortable ways, not to mention the huge bruises on my leg and my forearm. ::Sigh:: At least I have my stuff in the apartment.

Matrix Reloaded was awesome, by the way. If you go see it, make sure to stay after the credits to catch a preview for the next Matrix coming out at the end of the year.

I wonder if the neighbors encourage their kids to stomp around above us just to piss me off. It makes me feel not so bad that we are slightly louder than we should be. Jeez... are they a herd of rampaging rhinos? If I weren't so short, I'd take a broom and bang it on the ceiling.

Vegeta: I could blast them for you.

No, killing the neighbors is bad for being social. Not that I want to be...

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Grace is ranting. She's so funny.

Give Me A Break! Having to work for longer than I should for no overtime... bah!

Piccy of the week: Veggie-kun, protect me from the crappy people!


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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