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Sunday, May. 11, 2003 @ 9:45 P.M.

Stuff for a few days...

Another day of scavenging for online time on someone else's compy... but don't worry, I gots myself a new AC adapter and new battery for my lil' ole TiBook and I should be crankin' out entries like there's no tomorrow. Lessee... on to what's been going on...

CATS WAS AWESOME!!! I can't say it enough... it was uber wonderful and cool and radical and all the super skazzy words one can say to describe the greatness of seeing Cats live!!

Vegeta: Calm down, onna. Everyone and their mother knew how excited you were about it.

Kyou: Huh? Wha's goin' on?

Vegeta: Pfft... baka neko. Go back to sleep or something more useful even... like getting beat up by a mouse.

Kyou: ::Hackles are up:: What?!!

Now, now... don't fight. ::Dances around happily:: Cats was so great... it did leave out one song called the Pekes and the Pollicles and didn't have two of my favorite characters(Tantomile and Coricopat), but I finally got to see Growltiger's Last Stand and that was completely and absolutely fabulous. ::Claps hands and eyes sparkle:: I was so happy and bouncing around. Jen said she just watched my reactions at some of the parts instead of the show. Hee... I suppose I was a bit excited.

Vegeta: ::Below his breath:: That is quite an understatement.

Ahem. I also went to the new Apple store in Bellevue. It's so awesome! That's where I bought my new battery. I wish I had known I was going since I could have just bought my new adapter from there too, but ::shrug:: oh well. I got to play with Mac stuff and oooo and awwww over the tiny iPods and iBooks. I soooooo wanted the huge flat screen LCD monitors and a new iMac with lovely swivley necks and stuff, but my bro wouldn't get it for me. ::Pout::

I did buy myself Donnie Darko, though and Jen the Saiyuki box. She'll be soooo happy!

Okay, Dragnet is gonna start. Gotta go!

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Starcraft music on my bro's huge computer.

Give Me A Break! Employees who want Saturday off on a Matrix weekend should be shot!

Piccy of the week: Veggie-kun as cute as ever.


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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