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Sunday, May. 25, 2003 @ 7:21 P.M.

Doniell's wedding!

Well, I felt better for a while and then I had to go and stand in the pouring rain after Doniell's wedding... well, it was fun. I just hope it's worth the pneumonia. Honestly, I had a good time. The actual ceremony only lasted about twenty minutes... and I got there five minutes before it ended. Oh well... I was there, despite the fact that I was in a dress I would never ever wear (tight, white, and so not me!), and I had nothing but black shoes at the apartment. I suppose I should invest in some nice dress shoes at some point. Oh well, at least I didn't dress in jeans! What were some of those people thinking, dressing like that. Sure, they said it was gonna be a casual wedding, but jeez, mon! Dress up a little bit for a wedding. The night before I had planned on wrapping the pressie I got for the two newlyweds, but I fell asleep and I had one heck of a time wrapping the thing. So, it was this big, square box that I wrapped in more paper than I should have... so sue me... I can't wrap worth crap. I couldn't believe how Doniell looked. She was dressed in this white dress with spaghetti straps and lovely blue glittery sparkly things on the top of the bust line. It was so pretty! Doniell was so happy looking and was absolutely beautiful. Her man was nice. He looked really happy too. I just don't know the guy at all. He seemed nice, though. One of the things that bothered me a bit was the fact that Doniell invited all her ex's. Curtis, Jesse, Eli, and other guys I didn't know showed up. Fred didn't, the chicken, but that's all right, Roach prolly woulda smacked him one. Oh my gooshness! James, Doniell's lil' bro, colored his hair black and he let it grow out. I told him that he looked like a British garage band member. He just said he wished he was in a band. But those white pants! What was he thinking?! Lessee... Britainy, Doniell's lil' sis, was there. I hadn't seen her for such a long time. She was really tan and skinny and tinier than I remember. Apparently, she was the flower girl. She's kinda old for that, but that's Britainy for ya. She also wanted to catch the bouquet, but was behind this taller girl and missed out. It was soooooo funny when they threw the garter! All the guys went out there reluctantly and when Casey, the groom, flung the garter, it landed on the ground just short of the crowd of guys, nobody made a move, and Rogee jumped on it and picked it up!! The look on his face!!! ::LAUGHING UPROARIOUSLY:: Everyone started laughing so hard... poor Rogee. He had no idea what he was doing and when he realized what he had done, he just got this horrified look on his face. Hee, hee... Roach took pictures. Instead of rice to throw('cuz if you throw rice, the birds will eat it, and it starts to expand in their stomach and blows 'em up, so Roach says. Dwight thought it was cool) they gave us tiny bottles of bubble solution. I joked that we were suppose to throw those instead. Speaking of jokes, the frat buddies of the groom decided to put shaving cream on his car. The thing is, they weren't allowed to put it ON the car, so they put it IN the car... all over the dash, on the arms of the seats, on the inside of the window, then they put cheese whiz on the handles. I was very surprised that Doniell took it so well. She usually is the type who would freak out and call those people childish and not funny and be in a black funk for the rest of the stay... but college seems to have mellowed her out. I'm glad. So, congratulations to Mrs. Doniell Cushman and Mr. Casey Cushman. Although, I wonder if she's gonna keep her maiden name, hyphenate it, or take on her husband's name. Whatever... I like the tradition of taking on the hubby's name. I not so feminist as to not.

Roach made the observation that we were the loudest ones there. It was fun to talk to Dwight and see him avoid Bethany. I wonder why he always likes to talk to us anyways. Oh, and I should also say Happy Birthday to Nathaniel, Dwight's lil', but taller bro. His birthday was the same day as the wedding and I think he just wasn't very happy being there. Poor kid. He certainly needs maturity to go along with his tallness. I have to try and start to go to church again after all the moving is done. I miss those kids and the fellowship. ::Sigh::

My room is jam-packed full with stuff. I need to go through my old clothes, my old papers, my old stuff and see what I can get rid of. My room is too small to hold all the stuff that I've accumulated over the twenty-four years of my life... and I still have stuff at the 'rent's house! ::Tearing out hair:: What to do? I should give it all away. I'm sure someone can use all this stuff.

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! The Powerpuff Girls Movie! I love them.

Give Me A Break! The neighbor's bar-b-que smoke has irritated my throat. ::Cough, cough::

Piccy of the week: The one, the only, Veggie-kun!


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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