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Monday, Apr. 07, 2003 @ 3:12 P.M.

Sakura Con Part 1 (2?) Eh...

Geh... I just realized how late it is and I have to be at work by 5 o'clock, for some un-Godly reason even though the person I'm supposed to take over for is off at 6PM. I dunno, I think someone is smokin' crack. Oh, and we lost an hour of our day. What a rip-off...

Sakura Con was completely, totally radical and skazzy!!! I had so much fun! The lack of food and sleep was worth it, man... and I saw more anime than I thought was ever possible. We saw tons and tons of cos-players. There was unwashed otaku running around looking bleary-eyed... hey, I was one of them! Well, not exactly... but we didn't go home on Saturday night and stayed up to watch anime all night and into Sunday morning until we got in line to watch the closing ceremonies at 3PM. Whew! I really almost died, there. Naw, not really, I had less sleep in the past... when I was still a youngin' in high school, but I digress. The con was cool.

The first day, we walked around looking at all the cos-players and other otaku just walking around aimlessly (see video, if you have access to it... heh, heh). By the way, my video taking skills are somewhat... um... bad. If you saw Blair Witch, you'd get the idea. Barf city! I suggest not looking at it too long or you will get motion sickness in the extreme. Uh, yeah... then we walked around some more to see what the various rooms held. There were three video rooms showing anime 24 hours, non-stop (technical difficulties non-withstanding). I saw Jin-Roh, Witch Hunter Robin, I My Me! Strawberry Eggs, Hellsing, Tokyo Underground, Shaman King, Naruto, Chobits, and bits and pieces of other stuff. There was so much stuff that I wanted to watch... like Get Backers, but they couldn't get the disk to work. Oh well. We went to the Artist's Alley, where they had fan artists selling their stuff. I bought some magnets and piccies. They were so great! Jen found a yaoi artist to which I raise my eyebrow at... ::Points to left eyebrow:: See? Lifted. She had some beautifully drawn bishies, in... um... yeah. You get it if you know what I'm talking about. ::Blush:: Not my cup o' tea, thankyaverramuch. Although, I did buy one piccy with Tasuki and Chichiri together, but they're not doing anything objectionable, really! Honest, they're not. It's just a very pretty picture. Mmmmm... We also went to the Anime Music Video contest. Man, some people are just awesome at those! Basically, people who have a lot of anime clips and music put them together to make videos. They were great and powerful and Oz.... oops, I mean wonderful. I was highly impressed by the one that won for the Action category. It was so well done and in sync with the music. Superb stuff.

Okay, I really have to go... I must really get ready for work and stuff.

Ack! I really did embarass Jen with my "By the way, she loves you!" comment to the Sephiroth cos-player. Heh, heh, heh...

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! I can't hear for nothing, but the music in my head. La, la, la...

Give Me A Break! Moises and jerky reaction to the fact that Ryan might be quitting. Grr!

Piccy of the week: Sweet Yuki, I'm gonna need to change that soon.


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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