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Monday, Oct. 13, 2008 @ 7:47 P.M.

Not dead, yet...

Whoa... it has been quite a while. Sufficed to say, I have not:
1. Died
B. Lost my job
or III. Gotten married.
Yeah. I'm still happily exclusively dating my boy, Ryu-kun. How many months has it been? Almost four months actually. We started dating at the end of June. Wow... it seems like I've been dating him for so much longer. I mean, I really do enjoy the guy's company and I just cannot think of life without him any more. Maybe I'm a sap.
So, work has been kinda sucking hard for the past month or so. We are down to just me and A-Lady. Lemme tell ya... it is not the most fun time at all. I have to work stupid shifts. Y'know, I actually suggested that I would rather work six days in a row than have to work the 12-9 shifts ever, but yeah, that hasn't happened. :: Sigh :: So, I just hope that by the big holidays we get at least one semi-competent person to work in Photo. Seriously, I may have to maim someone if we don't.
Okay, so right now I've been trying to catch up on some anime. Working on One Piece at the mo' with Ryu-kun. If we keep watching I may get to the 300th eppy... in another year or so. Sheesh... that many eppies? Seriously?! Do you think I have all that time to pull out of my arse? I have other shows to watch, y'know. Like, um... Soul Eater and uuuuuuuuh... other stuff. I read too! Yeah, lots. I like wasting my free time doing useless crap like... relaxing! Is there something wrong with that?
Ah. DVDs I need to get: Pushing Daisies. Yup, need to get that.

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Chuck... great show about a geek.

Give Me A Break! Wetness...

Piccy of the week: Erm... I should change that...


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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