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Saturday, Jun. 07, 2003 @ 3:12 P.M.

Kitty and work... help.

I know, I know... you wonder why I haven't written. Or if you haven't, why haven't you wondered? Don't you care 'bout me at all? ::Sob::

Oh well, I haven't been doing much at all. My new baby, Sydney, is the sweetest kitty ever. She has already adapted herself to her new bed, scratching post, food and water dishes, and her litter box. I had worried that the change would make her screw up in the bathroom department, but she's been completely perfect. She's so friendly and a great lap warmer. I love her so much. Having her has brought my maternal instincts out to their fullest. I make sure she's fed and watered and clean out her box as soon as she's done her business and I have no problems with it. She's my baby... She is such a cuddly lil' thing. When we sleep, she goes from bed to bed and sleeps with all three of us at various times of the night. It's like she knows to give us all attention equally. It's quite amazing, really. I wonder if it's just that she wants as much attention from all of us as possible. What a spoiled little queen we have... but we love her sooooo much. That's why it's so sad that she has a heart murmur. We picked up Sydney on Sunday, took her to the vet ('cuz I'm paranoid and thought she was sick, but it's common for cats to have colds after being at the shelter), and made an appointment for the next day in the morning to get her checked out. I was just hoping to get a clean bill of health after getting her shots, but the vet said she had a distinct heart murmur. I was absolutely shocked, 'cuz that type of thing is very bad. My brain froze and I was trying to think why the Humane Society would not mention something like that. I was saddened and felt that I was betrayed somehow. I fell in love with this cat and just because she had health problems didn't mean I stopped loving her. I just hadn't planned on it. Money is already tight and having to deal with medical issues is gonna make it tighter. I called the shelter and asked them if they were in the habit of allowing people to adopt cats with heart murmurs. They told me that they don't check that type of thing in cats younger than eight years old. I was dismayed to hear that the people who did check the younger cats are simply vet assistants who aren't trained to listen for heart and lung problems. The thing is, Sydney went through spaying surgery and they had to check her heart to see how much anethesia to administer. You cannot tell me that they weren't aware of her heart murmur then! The vet said that simply holding her, you could tell that her heart rate was faster than normal. I don't want to dis' the Humane Society or anything, but not telling us was just not right. ::Sigh:: My heart is heavy, but I will give Sydney as long a life and as much love as I can. She's too special to give back. She deserves a loving home, not a cage to live in until they decide she can't be adopted. I'm allowing her to keep me.

Work is annoying me. Of course, it's mostly 'cuz it's waaaay hot up here and too sunny for words. Summer is really here and it's out to kill me. Besides, the hours at work are too long. For the past few days, we've been there until at least 5AM trying to figure out inventory or closing out the day. Did I mention that we got our box office system upgraded and that's it's a pain in the keister? Well, it is. It wouldn't be so bad, except that no one told us how to deal with the little differences in the system and what to do when all you want to do is tear the computer apart and throw the remains on the ground and stomp on it. I digress... I simply hate those who don't pull their weight and expect others to pick up the slack when one is already on the verge of blowing her stack and going completely bally on their ass. Heh...

I have to go. Jen is s'posed to be at work... right now.

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Give Me A Break! Those who don't tell the whole truth.

Piccy of the week: Kitty that looks so much like my baby, Sydney... so cute!


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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