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Friday, May. 30, 2003 @ 7:07 A.M.

Long days at work, revisited...

Just got home from work. IT'S SEVEN IN THE FREAKIN' MORNING!!!! I hate Thurfsdays. I have been working Thurfsdays for too many times. While I enjoy previewing the movies ahead of Jane Q. Public, I detest the hours I have to put in. I went to work early(@ 5:30pm), worked on the BOR envelopes, dealt with Tina(an employee of mine that always asks about changing her schedule), dealt with Tim(another employee who was trying to find someone to work his schedule), dealt with Ben(another, another employee who asks me to put him in Box all the time), closed out the day, and watched Finding Nemo. I love that movie. I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone, but if you don't want to explain to your kids some of the situations DURING the movie, 'cuz folks, there are a lot of things that would need 'splainin'... then, watch it yourself before bringing the young ones. There's a bunch of emotional scenes. Man, the first scene is heart-rending! I was practically crying in the first five minutes of the movie!! This whole movie is emotionally charged, in my opinion. Parents, just watch it first.

I never did understand parents who would bring their kids to something that was questionable, then blame the theatre for showing it when it offended them in some way. Sheesh. Soooo, people would bring their kids to Not Another Teen Movie and be all right with it, then pull them out of Jonah, A Veggie-Tales Movie? Does that seem right to anyone? Of course, I've always been a bit more prudish about things than the average person. In any case, I have to sleep or fall over dead later tonight when I have to run the floor and make sure my employees are actually working. Ha ha... working. It is to laugh.

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Listen Here! Silence...

Give Me A Break! Darn my dedication!

Piccy of the week: Bah!


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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